Saturday, 4 April 2009

Cinderella shall go to the ball (dress)

Yesterday Ellie and I spent a happy couple of hours wading through ball gowns in order to choose four dresses for our showcase next week. The dresses are being provided by the London based shop The Dress Lounge and we are really excited about wearing them!

It took a lot of debating and trying on (particularly because we were also trying on dresses for the other two members as they couldn't make it to the fitting - very amusing substituting 5'6 Ellie for 5'1 Keziah!), but we finally settled on some beautiful oyster, cream and gold creations which will really compliment the colours of our harps and fit well with our Grecian Goddess theme.

We'll put some photos up here once the event is over so you can all see the finished article. Only five days to go now, so the pace is really hotting up and still so much to do!


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